Coffee Cup Sleeves: Why Your Coffee Shop Needs Them?

Emenac Packaging USA
Coffee Cup Sleeves: Why Your Coffee Shop Needs Them?

Fall is here, and as the Starks would say “Winter is coming,” except it really is around the corner, and sweaters, beanies gloves, and coffee all go hand in hand. Well, coffee is an all-the-year-round beloved beverage, but its paramountcy just excels when the cold winds blow.

If you own a coffee shop, you certainly are going to make a fortune selling freshly brewed Americanos, cappuccinos, lattes, and more this chilly season! And to be honest, nobody likes their coffee cold (unless of course, they ordered a cold brew!), as hot beverages are best served hot, and should lack the tendency of turning icy owing to the falling degrees in temperature.

Your coffee might be the best in town but, let’s face it, without the right accessories everything looks bland, and so does the coffee without coffee cup sleeves!

What are Cup Sleeves?

Also known as coffee cup sleeves or hot beverage sleeves, are almost cylindrical sleeves, usually made out of paper, that fit snuggly over handle-less paper coffee cups to insulate the hot beverage inside.

Cup sleeves can be made from:

  • Paper
  • Silicone
  • Fabric 

But the most commonly used disposable custom coffee cup sleeves are those made up of paper. Fashioned with thick, corrugated paper, these can fit most standard-sized coffee cups. Moreover, corrugated paper or in some cases, craft paper cup sleeves are made up of perfectly sustainable materials.

Why use Cup Sleeves?

There is not just a single reason as to why custom coffee cup sleeves are an indispensable accessory for your coffee shop business. Let’s take a look at some of the many reasons why something as simple as cup sleeves is so consequential.

  • Insulation

What’s the point of ordering a cup of coffee to keep warm, if it gets cold so quickly? Coffee cup sleeves are a nifty way of keeping your coffee warmer for longer, making it all the more enjoyable for your consumers. This kind of sleeve is also called a coffee cup insulator sleeve.

  • Protecting Your Customers

Drinking hot coffee and burning one’s fingers with it are two totally different things. As much as people love to relish hot coffee, no one likes burning their fingers while holding onto a cup of coffee. Cup Sleeves prevent that from happening. These also imbibe any spills or leaks in the cup which is a plus factor!

  • Saves Costs

Before cup sleeves became popular, coffee shop owners had to double the cups of hot beverages, to offer insulation to the drink and protection to the customers. Now that was not very economical! Cup sleeves are comparatively very cheap and cut down the cost of using two cups for every drink you sell.

  • Recyclability and Biodegradability

As disposable cup sleeves are usually made from corrugated paper, it is by no means a doubt that these are perfectly sustainable materials. Easy to recycle and biodegradable when disposed of, these cup sleeves would be totally adored by your customers.

  • No Hand-slips

Often paper cups that hold coffee, tea, or any hot beverage, have a plain surface, prone to slipping. The coffee cup sleeves are an exemplary measure to avoid that happening. These provide friction to the smooth-surfaced paper cups and therefore help prevent hand slips.

  • Act as Advertisement

Custom-printed coffee cup sleeve advertising offers a distinctive and directed way to reach would-be customers. Suppose someone has bought coffee from your coffee shop and taken it to their workplace, the aroma of your coffee would surely affect the olfactory senses of your customer’s colleagues. They would surely want coffee and therefore be a potential audience.  How easy would it be for them to recognize your brand’s logo on the cup sleeve? Consequently, cup sleeves are a brilliant form of marketing tool for your business. These are also called branded coffee cup sleeves.

Concluding Remarks

It is safe to conclude that the invention of paper cup sleeves is one of the greatest things that happened to coffee lovers. Help your coffee shop be a favorite among coffee lovers too by opting for strikingly crafted custom coffee cup sleeves from Emenac Packaging USA. We offer fully customized paper cup sleeves with brand logos for all sizes of paper cups. Our captivating designs of coffee sleeves, complete with awe-inspiring finishing touches are sure to impress your potential as well as existing customers.

Author : Emenac Packaging USA

Having an ability to customize packaging boxes in different sizes, shapes and styles, Emenac Packaging fulfills the requirement of customers in lowest rate with flawless printed results. Not only we accept short and long run orders, we also use high quality Cardboard, Kraft and Corrugated materials to give you unrivaled printing and packaging solutions.

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