Why is Sustainable Custom Packaging Need of the Hour?

Emenac Packaging USA
Why is Sustainable Custom Packaging Need of the Hour?

With the rapid rise in the global waste ratio, businesses of all types are gradually shifting their focus to sustainable practices. Companies are becoming green by using biodegradable custom packaging instead of plastic.

The packaging comes in contact with the client before the product, therefore it’s critical that the packaging is of high quality and leaves a lasting impact on the customer. It is also environmentally responsible to select recyclable packaging.

Global Recycling Day is observed every year to raise awareness of the risks of greenhouse gas emissions caused by excessive fossil fuel consumption. This campaign also kick-started the 3R’s project.

What are 3 R’s?

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three R’s. All industries should limit their annual waste generation by reusing and recycling their secondary outputs after manufacturing, according to the main motto of environmental conservation organizations. In addition, raw materials should be reused. Not only would this cut waste, but it will also reduce pollutants in the air.

Sustainable Custom Packaging:

Customers are becoming more aware of the effects of plastics, and they prefer a sustainable option, even if it costs more. Sustainable custom packaging is defined as packaging that produces the least amount of waste and causes the minimum amount of environmental damage from the beginning to the end of the manufacturing process.

The following are some of the major benefits that convince us that sustainable custom packaging is a necessity:

  • Reduces the Global Plastic Pollution

It was previously stated that certain biodegradable plastics exist, but they can only be decomposed by incineration or landfilling, which takes a long time and pollutes the environment. Using alternative materials like kraft paper or cardboard ensures that both the product and the environment are protected.

Using sustainable custom packaging reduces the depletion of resources and helps the company successfully implement 3 R’s:

Reduce: by replacing plastics with stable, thinner, and more durable materials.

Reuse: The biodegradable packaging boxes can be reused by the company by adding layers to them and increasing their strength.

Recycle: The companies using biodegradable packaging can send back the defective boxes to be recycled and delivered again. This reduces the manufacturing cost and maintains a good brand image.

  • A rare occurrence of allergens and toxins:

In 2015, allergies were linked to the chemicals used to produce plastics. According to the study, Bisphenol A (BPA) used in plastic packaging causes allergic reactions in humans. Biodegradable materials, such as kraft and cardboard in your custom printed boxes, are FDA-approved for food contact and have been shown to have a negligible level of toxicity along with fine finishing qualities.

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the effects of petroleum-based products, including microplastics in our food, therefore eco-friendly custom packaging reassures the consumers about safety while giving the packaging a luxurious look.

  • Add Value to Brand Purpose:

People gravitate toward brands that match their values and avoid others who don’t. People not only see this as a question of personal integrity, but they also want their consumer choices to motivate their friends and family to make changes.

Using environmentally friendly custom packaging allows a business to directly convey its values and purpose to customers. Going green can also increase your revenue streams and promote your brand as a revolutionary company capable of effecting genuine, good change in your markets and throughout the world without compromising on the quality of packaging boxes.

You can contact Emenac Packaging USA right now to obtain sustainable packaging for your company, which not only benefits the environment but also entices clients to purchase your products.

Author : Emenac Packaging USA

Having an ability to customize packaging boxes in different sizes, shapes and styles, Emenac Packaging fulfills the requirement of customers in lowest rate with flawless printed results. Not only we accept short and long run orders, we also use high quality Cardboard, Kraft and Corrugated materials to give you unrivaled printing and packaging solutions.

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